4th Annual Expressions Art Exhibition and Sale

It's August, and that means it's time for the annual Expressions Art Exhibition and Sale!

The show has been so popular that it's now in its fourth year, and my fellow artists have put in their best efforts yet. There's something for everyone: oils, watercolors, acrylic, pastel, wood, fiber, abstract, figurative, intuitive...that's what makes the show so unique; it's an eclectic showcase of original talent.

This time, I've got six paintings from my "Birds of the Rockies" series on display, and a surprise landscape that's so new, it hasn't been seen anywhere else before.

Looking forward to catching up with you. :)  Please share this information with any friends or family in the area who might like to come, as well.

4th Annual "Expressions" Art Exhibition & Sale.

Kathleen Dudek • Andrea Gabel • Steve Germain • Steve GW • Patty Hughes • Margueritte Meier • Jennifer Spencer • Julius Lisi • Victoria Lisi • Christine M. Torrez • Laura G. Young


TONIGHT! Reception August 2nd 6-9pm
and Saturday August 3rd 12-6pm

The Carnegie Center for Creativity
200 Matthews Street
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Reception and Exhibit are Free to the Public
