The Blog is Dead. Long Live the Blog!
Happy 2025! After a long deliberation, I've decided to ditch my fancy-pants website host and go back to Blogger. I could go into sordid detail about my difficulties with the host company, but suffice it to say that when they were bought out, the transition did not go well. (Now whether or not I can get my domain name to transfer seemlessly is another matter. I've spent the better part of the morning trying to do just that, with little to no success. We shall see...*) In the meantime, I thought I'd blow the dust off the 'ol web log and write an entry, even though it won't be read by anyone except myself and perhaps a handful of mindless bots. For as we teeter over into the Brave New World of artificial intelligence, I've determined to doggedly continue to put my words -- and my art -- into the digital void. At least for now. As many of you know, I've always been keen on embracing new ideas and technologies; but over the last year I seem to have lost my ini...